Friday, February 26, 2010


I have shingles again. Shingles hurt, I mean really hurt, but I think Kidney stones are worse, well maybe not worse but Kidney stones stink too (had those a few times too, they don't last as long for me though). Shingles stink, but .... These people don't: James, and Lisa, Kristin, Natalie, Jim and Wendy, Elizabeth, Kelly and Erica, Kim and Jessica. All of these people either fed my family, took my child to school, delivered food, kept nursery or made an adament offer to do one of those things. There were others that offered things that I know that I could have called on. We are so thankful for help. We don't have grandmas to come and stay for a week. We need our church and school family. Praise God. He is the one that this love flows from. Of course we are most thankful for Him.
His love has been shown greatly to me by my wonderful husband, who although he sent our son to school without a jacket this morning in what had to be 20 something degree weather (I'm sorry I had to mention that - that is just funny - the boy had to borrow a coat from lost and found!!) Getting back on track... My wonderful husband has done a magnificent job of working fulltime and some OT while caring for this entire family with very little help from me. He even made me hashbrowns with onions and diced tomatoes this morning, just beacause that is what I thought that I could eat. He started with an actual whole potato by the way.
Please pray that my illness is very short lived. I am dying to hug my husband and kids without guarding and whincing. I am actually really wanting to cook. I look forward to two straight days without nausea and no sensations of needles piercing my skin. I also want to take a shower for more than three minutes. Believe me, when your skin feels like this you don't even use conditioner. I've tried a bath but that has its pitfalls too.
I praise you God for this time. Oh how much more thankful I will be for those hugs, the ability to cook, wear a bra and go out in publc, have nausea free days, take hot adequate showers.....
You have mercifully shown me in the past in concrete terms just how your ways are better than mine. Shingles stink, they sure do, but all the more clearly they show me how I depend on YOU!


Wanting What I Have said...

Oh Misty. I am so sorry you are sick right now! I will be praying for you to heal quickly and for God to sustain Bill as he tends to those things that come a bit more naturally for us mamas (you know, like coats in 20 degree weather). Hang in there. I'm thankful the Body has surrounded you and helped with your precious children. Now, you get well!

PS I cleaned off my desk today (it's been a three day process...with a little more to go) and I found a Christmas card addressed to y'all - it'd come back to me and I never's on it's way to you now - though a bit late. :) )

Bill, Misty, Will, and Laura Ann said...

Thanks J!

Kim said...

I'm SO,SO thankful the Body Of Christ has sprung into action for you! That is a blessing. Get better my friend!

Britt said...

Never mind, Misty - I found it through facebook. :)
I am so, so sorry that you are in so much pain. Your attitude through this is so encouraging, though. We will keep on praying for you to heal!

andi said...

MANNNNNN! I am so sorry!!!!! The hashbrowns sound really good!!!!!
Thanks with all of my being for your comment!!!!! You have freed me up to keep it up and enjoy what time I am given to do something I really love. :) THanks!

Unknown said...

Nice blog, well written, well designed, keep it up